Jeux de Commerce Edouard-Montpetit 2017

The Jeux de Commerce Edouard-Montpetit (Jeux de Commerce de CEGEPs) is a new Case Competition(second year) in the CEGEP network, but it is significant, now having partnered with the university competition (Jeux de Commerce). This is a formative event for our students, who train for 5 months by analyzing university-level marketing cases, developing oral presentation skills, and learning to think on their feet (literally) in order to respond to questions posed by industry experts.

Project Update

Twenty-four CEGEP teams from across Quebec competed in a marketing case competition AND an Accounting case competition, where teams of 4 students (3 and an alternate) analysed a business case, created a powerpoint presentation, and then presented to judges who were recruited from industry. The Dawson presentations (one in each discipline) were observed by several faculty and many students. The Dawson Marketing team contingent’s superior performance earned third place honours.

Last Modified: November 2, 2017