Lsj Trip To Quebec National Assembly 2016

February 16th, 2016

A busload of students from the Law, Society and Justice Profile (Social Science) travelled to the National Assembly in Quebec City. The students had lunch in the National Assembly restaurant and toured the National Assembly before taking in Question Period. Afterwards, they met with Jacques Chagnon, MNA for Westmount (Dawson’s riding) and the Speaker of the National Assembly, Pierre-Karl Péladeau leader of the Parti Québecois and Françoise David co-leader of Québec Solidaire. The students had the opportunity to ask questions and exchange with these elected representatives, and explore the realm of politics and political activity at the highest level in Québec. Needless to say, they represented themselves and the College very well, with thoughtful, sophisticated questions not only about politics but the functioning of political institutions, role of the leaders, international issues and more.

Last Modified: November 2, 2017