Studio Arts Exhibition Catalogues 2016-17

Fall 2016 – Winter 2017

The design and production of an exhibition catalogue is a learning activity within the Studio Arts Integrating Activity course. The Comprehensive Assessment takes place in this course for the students registered in the Studio Arts Profile.

The catalogue will contain the works created in the Studio Arts Integrating Activity course and the comments of each student. Each student works on a self-directed project during the semester. The student draws on subject matter already explored in the program to create his (her) project, making links with previous explorations of materials, processes, techniques and concepts.
The production of a catalogue containing images of their artworks and chosen quotes increases student motivation, personal worth and confidence. The students learn to respect each other’s opinions and become accountable of their decisions during the process.

Project Update

Fall 2016 Catalogue

The students in the Integrating Activity course  designed and produced a catalogue for their exhibition: UDOU. It was a learning activity within the Studio Arts Integrating Activity course. The catalogue promotes the works created by 9 students in one Studio Arts Integrating Activity course (511-499-DW). Two pages were allocated to each student. They contain a portrait, an artist’s statement and an image of their work. Each student worked on a self-directed project during the semester.

The catalogue was the result of a semester of collaborative work between the students. The planning of the catalogue began week 4; the students met regularly in their common studio space to share and discuss the planning of their exhibition and the production of their catalogue.

One student, Margaret Beaumont-Savvas planned and designed the final catalogue. It was her idea to take pictures of students in their class studio, holding a large sheet of paper on which she pasted their signatures. She created the double pages for the students from the visual material gathered and the statements from the students. Another student Benjamin Vidmar conceived the cover page, which also became the poster and the e-invite. Emmanuel Akintade took the pictures of the artworks and of the students working in class; these became the candids at the end of the catalogue. Studio Arts F2016 Catalogue.

Emmanuel Akintade


Winter 2017 Catalogue

The students in the Integrating Activity courses have designed and produced a catalogue for their exhibition: BLINK. This catalogue demonstrates that the students have successfully acquired the main competency of the course, which is the ability to integrate the creative process in the realization of visual art works. The catalogue promotes the works created by nineteen (19) students in two Studio Arts Integrating Activity courses (511-499-DW). Two pages were allocated to each student. They contain a portrait, an artist’s statement and an image of their work. Each student worked on a self-directed project during the semester.
The catalogue was the result of a semester of collaborative work between the students. The planning of the catalogue began week 4; the students met regularly in their common studio space to share and discuss the planning of their exhibition and the production of their catalogue. This activity has facilitated the development of the dynamics of bonding between students and has increased student motivation and confidence. The students took responsibility for the first proofreading, which the instructor verified several times. They managed to meet the deadline and had the catalogues ready for the evening of the vernissage on May 3rd. The exhibition continued till May 10, 2017. Studio Arts Catalogue w2017

Katie Horowitz

Last Modified: November 2, 2017