The Real Inspector Hound play

November 26th - 27th, 2015

Over twenty students were involved in this production of The Real Inspector Hound. The fact that they were all directly involved in the producing and/or acting of the play enriched their classroom experience. This project met the criteria for student success as it allowed student to connect directly with the course material: they acted and produced the play that they studied. By acting together in a play, students also developed their cooperative and teamwork skills. Participating in the production gave them more self confidence in that they accepted a challenge and succeeded. They all said they gained greater confidence in in speaking in front of people. Those who acted were proud of themselves for having memorized a text that was so demanding and lengthy. And then they were thrilled with having had the opportunity to “perform,” to have stepped outside their comfort zone and created a character. Other students were equally satisfied for having designed posters, for having made the programs, and for having publicized the event. During our evaluation of the process, many students said that participating in the play had been a life changing experience. The students’ first-hand experience in putting on a play helped them develop their creative skills and gave them an opportunity to put their talents into use. Being actively involved in all aspects of the production helped them develop their executive skills and inspire their desire to start projects on their own.

Last Modified: November 2, 2017