Visual Arts Integrating Activity

September 30th, 2016

This informal event will give our 1st year Visual Arts program students a chance to meet as a group, and be introduced to several members of the Fine Arts Faculty. This gathering will also provide a chance for our 2nd year students to meet our incoming cohort which allows the potential for friendships and mentoring to develop. We think this is a positive initiative for us to provide to our students and that this get together will boost the moral of our student body.

Project Update

The Pizza Party event that was organized for the1st and 2nd year Visual Arts program students on Friday September 30th was avery successful. Approximately 70 students came to the event from both the 1st and 2nd year. The party provided a welcome opportunity to the 1st and 2nd year students in our Visual Arts program to meet one another, and also get acquainted with other members of the Fine Arts faculty who attended the event.
The event was organized as a means to introducing both the 1st and 2nd year students to each other, and foster informal mentoring between the students. The party was a huge morale booster for all who attended. The 2nd year students in particular enjoyed the spirit of camaraderie and support.

VA Integrating Activity

Last Modified: November 2, 2017