If you require use of your accommodations for an in-class test or exam, you must sign up to write the assessment in the SAAC exam room, 2E.5.

Teachers have no obligation in providing you with test accommodations in the classroom and it is your responsibility to reserve your seat with the SAAC, within the deadlines, by using the online module.


Minimum THREE (3) school days BEFORE the date of the test (weekend does not count – ever)

If your test/exam is on:

    • Monday – then Wednesday is the last day to sign up
    • Tuesday – then Thursday is the last day to sign up
    • Wednesday – then Friday is the last day to sign up
    • Thursday – then Monday is the last day to sign up
    • Friday – then Tuesday is the last day to sign up
    • Saturday – then Wednesday is the last day to sign up

WarningWe suggest signing up as soon as you know the date of a test to avoid missing the sign up deadline.  Very few exceptions will be made if this deadline is missed and ONLY if space permits.


NoteOnly student who have confirmed their IEP (Individual Education Plan) for the current semester will have access to the test/exam module.


Last Modified: March 6, 2024