Insect Resort


To create artificial nesting sites for insects and specifically solitary bees and wasps that need small holes to make their nests and deposit eggs.


    • Clean holes for mason bees seasonally
    • Check in the spring and fall for any areas that have been damaged by wind, snow or people, and replace damaged material

Interesting Notes:

    • Several species of solitary bees and wasps nest in the wood with 1/4 inch holes drilled into them and the cut reed grass (Phragmites) and bamboo poles. Mason bees (Osmia) are important pollinators and will emerge from the holes covered with mud in the spring to repeat the process.
    • The box on the bottom with a small hole is a bumble bee (Bombus) nesting box; it should have soft material inside for the bumble bee (there is presently old sofa cushion stuffing). The bumble bee box was made by a CRLT student and the insect hotel was made by a variety of staff and students from Dawson and Mexico (Sustainable Campuses Project).

Last Modified: January 10, 2025