Attention all #AI thrill-seekers of the Dawson student body, we’ve got exciting news!

DawsonAI and AI Launch Lab are proud to announce an exciting opportunity for all college students to learn AI through hands-on workshops that take place on Saturdays this Winter! This is your opportunity to start gaining the skills to become an AI master.

The workshop series, given primarily in English, will cover a wide range of AI topics like AI ethics, fundamental machine learning models, deep learning, reinforcement learning, and other advanced topics, where students will have the opportunity to learn about the impacts of AI and how to apply it. Students do not need to have prior experience or be technologically proficient in order to participate. The sessions are structured such that students at all levels of skill and knowledge can participate and benefit from the instruction, accompanied by AI specialists all along the way.

The 9-week program starts Saturday, February 10, 2024. Many of the meetings will be virtual and take place from 10:00 AM-1:30 PM on Saturdays. Once registered, further information about the schedule and activity details will be provided.

Cohort students will be provided with an opportunity to participate in a student-centered AI conference showcasing projects along with a data challenge with the theme of Data Storytelling hosted at Dawson College on March 22-24, 2024




AI Cohort Kick-off and brief orientation session on February 10, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM

Why join?

  • Create your own AI project with fellow students
  • Work alongside AI experts
  • Delve into diverse AI topics
  • Explore ethical considerations
  • Present your AI project with your team
  • Kickstart a career in AI, with professional mentorship
Program Overview

Program Timeline 

Week 1:

  • Orientation and introduction to self-learning tools
  • Introduction to AI, Machine Learning and Ethical AI

Weeks 2 – 8:

  • Through workshops covering a wide range of AI topics like data manipulation, fundamental machine learning models, deep learning, reinforcement learning, AI ethics and other advanced topics, you will have the opportunity to learn about AI and how to apply it.
  • Using your new AI skills, you’ll have the chance to embark on your very own AI project alongside your team.
  • Along the way, you will have support from AI specialists to help guide you in exploring new tools.
  • Upon completing the program, you will be required to present your project and learnings and be provided an in-person opportunity to share with a larger AI community at Dawson College on Friday, April 5, 2024. You will leave with an impressive portfolio!
Additional Information:


  • Workshops will be given in English
  • All workshops are interactive and include Q&A sessions
  • The duration of each workshop is approximately 3 to 3.5 hours
  • There will be some in-person activities in Winter 2024 to showcase projects and including a workshop that will be part of a weekend challenge hosted at Dawson College.
Winter 2024 Cohort’s Schedule and Topics
Saturday, February 10 – Friday, April 5
February 10 Machine Learning 101
Introduction to Ethics in AI
February 17 Planning ML Projects + Project Blueprint
Python Crash Course + Coding with LLM in teams
February 24 Case Studies using scikit-learn + Coding Models
March 2 Ethics in the Model Development Cycle
March 9 Introduction to NLP

Introduction to Recurrence + Transformers

March 16 Advancements in AI
March 22 Data Challenge at Dawson College + Pre-presentation rehearsals for Winter 2024 Cohortians (Virtual)
April 5 Team AI Project Presentations and student showcase at Dawson College

* During the workshop on each Saturday, students will have an opportunity to collaborate with their teammates to work on their AI project.

If you were wondering whether AI is everywhere, it is! The skills that you gain from AI training programs are applicable to almost any field and give you the opportunity to gain real experience.

This program aims to fill that gap by helping CÉGEP students. If you apply now, you are taking a step forward to get ahead in your industry.

Don’t miss your chance!


Winter 2024 Application:


Last Modified: May 6, 2024