Dawson has various frequently used forms available online. This forms can be complete in Acrobat Reader and either printed and given to the people needing them, or, if you have Adobe Acrobat (the complete program and not just the reader), emailed to the recipient.

Corporate Affairs

Facilities Management

Online Requests

  • MyDawson Portal under Non-Academic Services choose tab Facilities Management Work Service to submit a FAMA service request, except for key requests and code changes how-to
  • MyDawson Portal under Non-Academic Services choose tab Printshop Online Report to view the report, which is searchable by budget code and can be downloaded as a pdf or csv file.
  • MyDawson Portal under My Omnivox Services choose tab Reprography and copyrights to submit your documents to print, which can be picked up at the Printshop 2E.1

Forms & Documents

Finance Forms

Please note that electronic forms are the best way to enter requisitions or claim expenses. These can be found in Omnivox under My Finance Services.

  • Use Expense report against an expense advance or when incurring business expenses on behalf of the College.
  • Requisition - the Purchasing Department is responsible for the procurement process according to College Bylaws. This is the form to use when requesting a service, consumable or assets with individual assets under $ 500 or groups of assets under $ 1 000.
  • Payment request replaces the current Cheque requisition paper form. It is used to ask for payment on invoices for legal fees, membership fees, services not covered by a contract and services where a purchase order is not needed in industry practice.
  • Investment request to be used to enter requests for assets valued at over $ 500 or groups of assets over $ 1 000 such as IT and specialized teaching equipment, software, furniture

If you require assistance or training to use any of the above-listed forms, please contact Carmen Saileanu on Teams.

  • Cheque Requisition Form
    This form is needed for reporting of revenues from College activities.
  • Deposit Request
    This form must be completed and submitted along with any deposits (cash or cheques) to Finance. Please note that the form must be signed and approved.
  • Honoraria Supplier Form (PDF) [English]
    This form should be filled up and uploaded to the SharePoint drop folder 
    It should be used for individual guest speakers only - Without an employee number - Individual guest speakers do not have a registered GST, QST, or TVH number.
    Individual guest speakers do not have a "Numero d'entreprise du Quebec", commonly known as an NEQ number.
    They also don't have an Identification number
    If the individual has a Dawson employee number, please fill-up a STEC form, and send it to Payroll.
    If the individual is NOT a Canadian resident, accounts payable will contact the requester for further directives.
    For any other situation, accounts payable will be able to assist you.
  • Honoraria Supplier Form (PDF) [French] Français
    This form should be filled up and uploaded to the  SharePoint drop folder 
    The process of delegating signing authority requires that all parties are aware of the appropriate College by-laws that they are subject to. Upon authorization the delegator will continue to be responsible for the proper use of this authority. Ensure that before any financial activity occurs, Finance is given an approved signed Authority Delegation Form. All signing authorities must be renewed at the beginning of each fiscal year.

Human Resources

Hiring Forms


  • Declaration of Employment Status
    Applicants to Continuing Education postings or AEC postings will be required to complete a "Declaration of Employment Status" form. This form is usually covered as a questionaire in the on-line application process and only needs to be complete in its current form if the applicant is applying with a paper CV or after the application deadline.

Payroll Forms

Please send Short Term Employment Contracts to hrhelp@dawsoncollege.qc.ca

Staff and Students Timesheet

Please contact Payroll (payroll@dawsoncollege.qc.ca)

TD1 - Personal Tax Credit Return (Revenue Canada) & TP-1015.3V – Source Deductions Return (Revenu Quebec)
These forms are used to determine the amount of tax to be deducted from an individual's employment income.
Examples of who should be completing these forms - individuals who:

  • have a new employer;
  • want to change amounts previously claimed;
  • want to increase the amount of tax deducted at source;

Absence Reporting

Employee Personal Information

  • New Employee Personal Information Form
    All new employees to the College must complete this form. Any personal information changes to be made for current employees can be done through Omnivox - Personal file.

Professional Development

For more information, visit the Professional Development page.

Medical and Dental Claim Forms

For more information, visit the Employee Insurance and Benefits page.

Leave of Absence

IST Forms

  • Generic Account Request
    This form is required to authorise generic accounts, i.e. which are not tied to a specific person, as per the Account Policy (IST-04).
  • Opscan Submission Form
    Form for Faculty members to include when submitting Opscan Exams for scanning.

Objective Test Scoring Service - User Guide
This document outlines the procedure to be followed for submitting Opscan Exams for scanning. Alternatively teachers can also use the Kyocera Scanning Assistant to grade their multiple-choice exams and get the results immediately.

Student Off-Campus Travel & Activities Forms

Activity Coordinator Forms

Student Forms

Last Modified: March 10, 2025